MP2 Plugins: Top Rated Listings 

MediaPortal 2 Alpha 3 MediaPortal 2 Alpha 4 MediaPortal 2 10AE MediaPortal2 10AE U1 MediaPortal2 SR15

MP2-Edit I like to introduce you a tool to edit the MediaPortal2 media library (ML). As there is no "official" way tocorrect mistakes in the MP2 ML I've started developing this tool. Aside this, MP2-Edit is offering help during migration from MP1 over to to MP2. There is a heavy work going on this not even t ...

Category:MP2 Plugins
MediaPortal2 10AE U1 MediaPortal2 SR15

SlimTV - MPExtended SlimTV - Watch TV - Using MediaPortal 2, MPExtended and MP1 TvServer - Current version: Summer '15 Release (2015-07-28).  SlimTV allows you to watch TV inside MediaPortal 2. It provides features like: Playing TV as single stream or even Picture-in-Picture (PiP) Use Electronic Program Gui ...

Category:MP2 Plugins
VersionMP2 Summer'15 Release

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The vision of the MediaPortal project is to create a free open source media centre application, which supports all advanced media centre functions, and is accessible to all Windows users.

In reaching this goal we are working every day to make sure our software is one of the best.


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