"EPG-Buddy" should make EPG grabbing as easy as possible. Up to now a good EPG is one of the most complicated things to achieve in the MP world. Nearly all available sources needs complicated scripting and fiddling with XML files or similar. "On Air" EPG often is of bad quality or not available at all. Available Sources for grabbing EPG data from online sources are hard to configure if you are new to this topic. Here is where EPG-Buddy jumps in. With EPG-Buddy you can configure your EPG wit a few mouse clicks and after you're done your EPG is refreshed completely invisible and automatic on a daily or weekly base. You can use various sources for your EPG data. This includes TVSpielfilm (a fast and free of charge source for German- speaking EPG data), TVGuide.com (a fast and free of charge EPG data source for northern America (USA/Canada/Mexico) and also support for WebGarb+Plus that delivers EPG data for nearly every country in the world. Aside this external downloaded XMLTV compatible xml files can be used and aditionally some payed services like TVMovie- Clickfinder and epgData.com. The user can configure one or as many different EPG sources as needed. The user even can use various different accounts on TVGuide.com for various lineups.
EPG-Buddy is compatible with nearly every XMLTV capable TV engine. For Media Portal (1 and 2) not only TVE 3.0 and TVE 3.5 are supported but also some extra comfort functions like reading channel names from TV database are included.
After grabbing and collecting the "raw" EPG data, EPG-Buddy can compare the EPG data with thetvdb.com to get proper season and episodes numbering inside the EPG. The user even can replace the show descriptions in the EPG data with the description from thetvdb.com.
There also is an easy to setup schedule for daily/weekly automated EPG grabbing based on Windows taskplaner.
A new, much bigger installer to prevent some of the "false positives" warnings from AV tools. Nothing else changed.
Fix - some fixes for TVSpielfilm.de
Fix - Fixed tvguide.com https issue
Upgrade - WebGrab+Plus to 2.1.5 solving https issues on many websites
New feature - Option to combine Viva and Comedy Central for German sources.
Bug Fix - Fixed some Errors that could cause a crash.
Bug Fix - 403 Errors now captured and logged.
New feature - Automatic copy of xmltv.dtd into the given output folder.
TV config also goes tits-up. Tried multiple times to get this to work but it won't. Would not recommend unless you're up to re-installing MP2 multiple times only to have it destroyed again by this worthless crap Buddy
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