About Albert
I'm Albert, the main developer of MediaPortal 2, the second version of our great product.
My name in real life is Daniel Hoeh (with a german "Umlaut" in my lastname), Today (March 2012), I'm 33 years old and I live in Freiburg, Germany.
I had my first computer when I was 12 years old. It was a C64 with 64kb RAM which could do calculations with 1MHz! What a cool computer. I wrote my first programs in C64-BASIC and later in assembler.
In the meantime, I had many PCs which I was programming in many programming languages. Turbo Pascal, Delphi, Java, Python, C++, C#, ....
I've been studying computer science at the university of Kaiserslautern and currently, I'm working in a middle-sized german company.
In 2007, I was searching for a MediaCenter software which I could use for my new MediaCenter PC. I evaluated many products which were called "MediaCenter software", but only few of them were usable and none of them was really stable. At the end, I chose MediaPortal to be the best available product.
But as I am perfectionist, I couldn't cope with some problems in the software. So I decided to fix those problems which annoyed me. At that time, at the beginning of 2008, the team was short of devs and so I was invited quickly as a developer. To that time, frodo, the former lead developer, was quite advanced with the development of MediaPortal 2. I started to learn much about the project, and as frodo was just leaving the team at that time, I took over his work in the MediaPortal 2 project.
Now, I am the MediaPortal 2 development manager. I champion the "big vision" of MediaPortal 2 and I'm working hard to achieve it. I have a big goal setting for a stable, reliable, maintainable system which is easy to use and easy to extend.