Small Status Overview

LordMessi has created a translation page here which allows users to easily translate from English the text used in MediaPortal. This will allow MediaPortal to be as language friendly as possible for you and your fellow countrymen. Just register and convert the text highlighted in red or ammend any bad translations from the past. You can even add languages not on the list.

So more news on the RC2 delay...

Agree is working on a new MediaPortal Transport Stream (TS) filter. This filter has its own video & audio output pins and an internal TS demuxer so we dont have to use the Microsoft demuxer anymore. Reason: The Microsoft demuxer has limitations which show itself in the fact that after seeking it can take a long time before video appears.
Frodo is working on the TS timeshifting / zapping part like black screen when tv starts etc.

So more news on the RC2 delay...

Agree is working on a new MediaPortal Transport Stream (TS) filter. This filter has its own video & audio output pins and an internal TS demuxer so we dont have to use the Microsoft demuxer anymore. Reason: The Microsoft demuxer has limitations which show itself in the fact that after seeking it can take a long time before video appears.Frodo is working on the TS timeshifting / zapping part like black screen when tv starts etc.

About The Project

The vision of the MediaPortal project is to create a free open source media centre application, which supports all advanced media centre functions, and is accessible to all Windows users.

In reaching this goal we are working every day to make sure our software is one of the best.


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