
We are proud to annouce the latest release of MayaHD for MediaPortal 1.7.1 - 1.9.x!
We have been designing and developing for about 6 month on a new Maya skin with 1920x1080 Resolution and
simple layout without compromising the ever growing need for information at a glance.
You will have the choice between several layouts to suit your needs. All configurable from within MP.
MayaHD have many new Designchanges, more Features and supports the most important plugins.
Enjoy, Modify and Improve!
Joost, Nico & Dennis
Maya is developed by:
Design & concept: Joost 'Joostzilla' Scholte, the Netherlands.
Lead Coding, hosting & project management: Nico 'ncoH' Hartmann, Germany.
Lead Coding: Dennis 'dlarge500' Winkler, Germany.
Retired team member: Mikkel 'Pilehave' Jensen, Denmark
Retired team member: Steffan '1stdead', Denmark.
- updated for MP 1.9.0 support
- updated External Plugin Installers
- added WorldWeatherLite Plugin support
- added WorldWeatherLite Plugin support in basic/Home/Plugins menu
- added Trailers Plugin support in MovingPic,TVSeries,Showtimes,Video Plugin
- added RSS Image in Basichome
- reworked recently added Full View in Basichome
- reworked ArgusTVPluginFiles VideoOverlay, Buttons...
- removed VideoPlayer Overlay in Plugins
- removed broken FanartScraper Info in Basichome menu
- fixed some Bugs in ArgusTV Scheduler/Recordings Hiddenmenu
- fixed Hiddenmenu navigation Issues in TVSeries WideBannerview
MayaHD Final
- updated for MP 1.7.x - 1.8.x support
- updated Mpei Plugins
- fixed some Issues in World Weather
MayaHD Final
- some Optimizations in DialogFiles
- change Layout for TVServer Setup Screen
- add missing Trakt Logos
- updated for MP 1.5 support
- added Trakt Plugin support
- added mpSteam plugin support
- added new Settings buttons gfx
- added Comskip Makrers in TV/Video OSD
- updated MyExtensions plugin
- reworked Hiddenmenu Part
- reworked RadioTime Fats Presets
- fixed overlapping in MusicNowplaying labels
- delete unsupported MP 1.4 plugin files
- removed 4TR support from Maya Editor
- fixed some minor Issues
Excuse my horrible englis :)
I love Maya its my alltime favourite. I went back from MP 1.7 to MP 1.5 for still be able to use Maya. In 1.7 the configuration for Maya dosnt function. First i say thank you very much for these great skin and i allow to ask, if there will be a version of maya that runs witz MP 1.7?
This would be great
Greeting from big fan of Maya
Stefan Keller
When building my HTPC, I had long hesitations between WMCE, XBMC and MediaPortal. I finally choose MediaPortal because of MayaHD !
Great job guys ! Please don't give up ;-)
your wait is over.:)
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