PureVisionHD 1080

PureVisionHD 1080 12.2
Version 12.2 of the skin PureVisionHD 1080 (wide screen 16:9; Full HD 1920 x 1080, scaling perfect on HDReady with 1280 x 720 as well as on 4K 3840 x 2160) including the themes Standard, Horizon Up!, Modern UI and the amazing animated themes Brave New World (including the 3 "layouts" Carousel, Horizontal Scroll and Horizon) and SmartOne.
These fanart-oriented skins were designed for fast access of all MP functions, have a clearly readable GUI (with respect to barrier-free user interfaces) and offer interesting and elegant themes.
The BasicHome Editor in GUI Settings in conjunction with FastExit allow the fastest access ever to all internal and the majority of external plugins of MediaPortal and the cleanest BasicHome screens ever!
These skins are designed for MediaPortal 1.7.x - 1.36 x86/x64 and won´t run on older MP versions!
PureVisionHD 1080 12.2 fully supports the use of keyboard, mouse, remote and touchscreen.
PureVisionHD 1080 contains the following themes:
- Standard (with FastExit - the cleanest BasicHome ever!)
- Horizon Up! (with FastExit- the cleanest BasicHome ever!)
- Modern UI (completely re-designed BasicHome with FastExit)
- Brave New World (The amazing theme with smooth menu animation - including the 3 "layouts" Carousel, Horizontal Scroll and Horizon!)
- NEW! Smart One with smooth menu animation (like in Brave New World) but with only one line for a maximum of 15 items ensuring fastest access to your favourite plugins and latest media, including all kinds of (configurable) fanart on BasicHome!
In Skin Settings inside the GUI you have the following options to customize PureVisionHD 1080 to your taste/needs:
- BasicHome Editor to customize your menus
- Change theme
- Choose between 20 different backgrounds: Standard, Abstract1, Abstract2, Abstract3, Abstract4, Abstract5, Abstract6, Animated, Blue, Carbon, Copper, Green, Red, Black, Disco, MediaPool, Dark, DarkRed, DarkBlue, DarkGreen
- Activate/deactivate random Video Fanart on BasicHome (Skin Default, Brave New World "Horizontal Text only", Horizon and Horizon Up! only)
- Activate/deactivate random Music Fanart on BasicHome (Skin Default, Brave New World "Horizontal Text only", Horizon and Horizon Up! only)
- Activate/deactivate Music NowPlaying Fanart on BasicHome (Skin Default, Brave New World "Horizontal Text only", Horizon and Horizon Up! only)
- Choose number of TV EPG lines (10, 12 or 18)
- Toggle between DVD Art/no DVD Art (rotating DVD)
- Activate/deactivate display of analog clock and plugin icon in upper left
- Switch between InfoService ticker or WorldNews ticker
This makes PureVisionHD 1080 the most versatile skin on the MP market!
As always, a BIG THX to all MP developers who are doing a really great job, to all MP skinners (especially to Harley, Pog, cul8er, tgx, joz, joostzilla and PsychoReptile) and of course to all the contributors/testers on the PureVision forums who helped me to improve this skin (too many to name them all...).
Enjoy it - and please feel free to comment/review it - especially errors!!!
PS: Please support your local skinner with a small donation!
Just ::: Click here for a PayPal donation :::
BIG THX in advance!
* Adapted some screens to the latest OnlineVideos
* Adjusted the channel logos in TV EPGs to correct size
* Fix of several display glitches
* Full support for MP Games Pack - YES, thanks to @huha all the nice MP Games are available for DL as Archived File 2 "MP Games Pack.zip" above (added a games menu to the Games button in all themes)
- Doubleclick on installation file PureVisionHD 1080 12.2.mpe1.
- The skin cache will be cleared automatically.
- Configure MP in Config\GUI to start MP using BasicHome.
- Enable the plugins via MP Config.
- Start MP.
And now: Enjoy MediaPortal 1.7.x - 1.36 (x86/x64) with PureVisionHD 1080 12.2!
* Bing Image
* Browse The Web
* Burner
* Clickfinder ProgramGuide
* Clickfinder Simple Guide
* Daily Comics
* DriveFreeSpace
* DVD Art (for MovingPictures, MyFilms and MyVideos)
* Earth TV
* Emulators
* Explorer
* Extensions
* Fanart Handler
* FileExplorer
* Films
* Flash Games
* Fritzbox Manager
* Games Pack for MP
* Chess
* ClickMania
* Connect 4
* Frustration
* Hexxagon
* Mastermind
* Minesweeper
* Pipes
* Sudoku
* Tetris
* Yahtzee
* Global Search
* Google Calendar
* HTPC-Info
* IMDb+
* InfoService (with RSS ticker on BasicHome/Classic Home)
* Intelligent Frame Corection
* Last.FM
* Latest Media Handler
* LogoManager
* Lyrics
* MailTip
* Media Slayer
* MediaTip
* Moving Pictures
* MP PhotoSlideshow
* MP-TVSeries
* MultiShortcut Plugin (one instance)
* mpNZB
* MusicInfoHandler
* mvCentral
* MyVideoRedo
* OnlineVideos
* Power Control
* RadioTime
* Rockstar
* ScoreCenter
* ShortCut'er with Skin Navigator
* Shoutcast
* Showtimes
* SkyGo DE
* Skype4MP
* SleepControl
* Spectrum Analyzer
* Sports
* Steam
* Stocks + Indices
* Streamradio
* Subcentral
* Trailers
* Trakt
* TuneIn (ex RadioTime)
* TV Wishlist
* Webbrowser
* Webradio
* Wikipedia
* Windows Update Control
* World Clock
* Worldmap
* World News
* World Places
* World Weather
* World Weather Lite
* YouTube.FM
Please look for the updated plugins working with MediaPortal 1.7.x - 1.36 x64/x86!

Reverting back to v9.7.

However, I'm still mising the 'small OSD' option to keep subtitles visible when playback is paused.
I got some installation trouble at my first try... but after support from developer on forum it all works perfect.
This is a great looking skin with many add on and plugins that work out of the box.
Give it a try :)
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