My Netflix

My Netflix allows MediaPortal users to manage their NetFlix queues, search for movies and watch instant-view movies. This version supports the following features...
1. Manage your Insant Queue (Add, Remove, and Move titles in your Instant Queue)
2. Play movies from your Instant Queue as well as Searched titles (that support it.)
3. Play TV Episodes from your Instant Queue
4. View your History (All, Watched, Rented and Shipped)
5. Search for Titles with the ability to add titles to your DVD & Instant queue.
6. Search for Actors.
7. Manage your DVD Queue (Add, Remove, and Move titles in your DVD Queue) this includes support for Netflix Sub Accounts.
8. View list of Movies At-Home
9. View Recommended titles with the ability to add titles to your DVD & Instant queue.
10. Search Similar titles with the ability to add titles to your DVD & Instant queue.
11. Search Instant titles by name or Genre
12. Check new releases on Bluray, DVD & Instant.
13. Check upcoming releases on Bluray & DVD.
14. Rate titles in the At-Home & Instant queues.
15. Sort titles by Title Name or Release Year.
Note: Features involving DVD, Bluray or At-Home are likely to stop working
in the near future due to upcoming changes by NetFlix. (written 10/1/2011)
No change to software but install now includes all the skins from version 1.3 and My NetFlix Readme.pdf which describes configuration. The material in this pdf concerning DVD's will soon be obsolete due to changes in the NetFlix service.
Upgraded to support MP 1.2 and will only install if you have MP 1.2 or higher installed.
Skins default and default wide have been updated to support My NetFlix
If "Show details when selecting an Instant movie" is enabled in configuration, Select (OK) in the Instant Queue
list will show details, but Play will play movie. If details are showing Play will play movie.
When selecting a "movie" such as a TV show with episodes, A list of episodes will display. From the list of
episodes Select or Play will play the episode.
DVD features have not changed but they will stop working if
Netflix moves DVD service to a new web site as
they have announced.
The Custom Browser is now known as NetflixViewer.exe
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