
The 4:3 skin based on DefaultWideHD offers the same features and functionality as the new standard skin DefaultWideHD.
This skin is intended for users who still use a 4:3 display.
- Doubleclick on installation file Four2Three1.0.mpe1.
- The skin cache will be cleared automatically.
- Configure MP in Config\GUI to start MP using BasicHome.
- Enable the plugins via MP Config.
- Start MP.
And now: Enjoy MediaPortal 1.7.x - 1.13.x with Four2Three 1.0!
* Bing Image
* Browse The Web
* Burner
* Clickfinder ProgramGuide
* Daily Comics
* DriveFreeSpace
* DVD Art (for MovingPictures, MyFilms and MyVideos)
* Earth TV
* Emulators
* Explorer
* Extensions
* Fanart Handler
* FileExplorer
* Films
* Flash Games
* Fritzbox Manager
* Games Pack for MP
* Chess
* ClickMania
* Connect 4
* Frustration
* Hexxagon
* Mastermind
* Minesweeper
* Pipes
* Sudoku
* Tetris
* Yahtzee
* Global Search
* Google Calendar
* HTPC-Info
* IMDb+
* InfoService (with RSS ticker on BasicHome/Classic Home)
* Intelligent Frame Corection
* Last.FM
* Latest Media Handler
* LogoManager
* Lyrics
* MailTip
* Media Slayer
* MediaTip
* Moving Pictures
* MP PhotoSlideshow
* MP-TVSeries
* MultiShortcut Plugin (one instance)
* mpNZB
* MusicInfoHandler
* mvCentral
* OnlineVideos
* Power Control
* RadioTime
* Rockstar
* ScoreCenter
* ShortCut'er with Skin Navigator
* Shoutcast
* Showtimes
* Skype4MP
* SleepControl
* Steam
* Stocks + Indices
* Subcentral
* Trailers
* Trakt
* TuneIn (ex RadioTime)
* TV Wishlist
* Webbrowser
* Webradio
* Wikipedia
* Windows Update Control
* World Clock
* Worldmap
* World News
* World Places
* World Weather
* World Weather Lite
* YouTube.FM
Please look for the updated plugins working with MediaPortal 1.7.x - 1.13.x!