Boot Screens: Top Rated Listings

This BootScreen replace the original bootscreen of Windows XP when you start your HTPC.
This BootScreen is used with "BootSkin".

Boot Screen Of MePo in Animated 3D for windows 7
Link for update sotfware:
Please Visit the topic for custom Windows 7
- Boot Screen
-LogOnScreen as your MePo skin
-Shell for lauch MePo directly without Explorer Dekstop

MediaPortal Windows 7 animated boot to customize more your HTPC. Available in different languages with simple MP logo on your boot.
The main boot file is English. To download other versions, see the attached files.
How to install:
- Download one of the attached files with the boot language versio ...

This is a MediaPortal bootscreen for use with "BootSkin".
Microsoft and Windows (xp) are registred trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.