MP Upnp Renderer

This process plugin for Mediaportal is a Upnp Renderer.You can send your music, videos or pictures with a handy, tablet, pc or any other upnp controller device from your upnp media server to Mediaportal. You can play the selected mediafiles at mediaportal by using the "playTo" or "Throw" function from your upnp controller device (e.g. a tablet or handy). Workaround for playing mp4 video files by caching file.
Some details about upnp: You need a upnp media server, where your tracks are saved. This could be a nas or router with upnp server (e.g. twonky) or e.g. a pc with windows media player. In Windows 7 a upnp server is already integrated. To select a track and send it to "MP Upnp Renderer"/Mediaportal you need a upnp controller like e.g. bubble upnp (android) or windows media player (pc).
This plugin is based on old source code from kroko, cilla. This guys did a great job!
-added compatibility for V1.3 Alpha
-some code optimations:
-added some error handling for track position
-added sender in all StateChanged calls
05.07.2012, V2.2.0.5
-problem solved with picture-urls which included char "?"
23.4.2012, V2.1.3:
- changed the picture viewer to g_Player:
showing pictures is much better now, but not perfect.
Shows picture in fullscreen for some seconds now.
- Optimized Picture caching.
- reduced dialog messages
- some more code restucture
- some little bugfixes
30.4.2012, V2.2.0
- showing picture optimized:
show picture with slideshowWindow now
>for slideshow speed setting from picture plugin is used now
>own thread for handling picture view duration and communication to upnp controller
1.5.2012, V2.2.0.1:
- more logging details for debug mode
- write plugin version to logfile
- setting "show last active window after stop" is hidden, function have to be reworked
- newe picture slidemode. If enabled in settings, pictures are shown as set in picture speed setting and switched automatically.
If disabled, pictures can be switched manually by controller.
- some bugfixes (e.g. picture format problem solved)
21.5.2012, V2.2.0.2:
-better compatibility for showing pictures from different upnp controllers
10.6.2012, V2.2.0.3:
-add new setting to avoid to send a media to mp,
if a track is already running from mp
- drop size from picture url, to show full sized pictures
But is there any chance to get a new Version for 1.5 ?
Well done guys!
Nice that it comes in small size and works without much cofiguration.
Thanx for this !
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