Weather Condition Backdrops Pack

[2015.01.24] Add 1080p version :)
Weather Condition Backdrops Pack, is a set of 48 jpg images, 1280x720, and numbered 0-47 (the same as weather condition Logo packs) to match the current weather condition. They display in the background, as a backdrop, and change as the weather condition change .
This pack was made to be used with DefaultWide skin, but they can be used with any weather plugin and with any skins ... :)
Installation :
1. To use with DefaultWide skin and yrWeather plugin, just copy the folder "weather_BG" to skin\DefaultWide\media\weather folder (the same folder where weather icons are stored) .
2. To use with other weather plugins and skins, follow their instructions to rename the folder and location (most skins use Media\Animations\weather folder for weather backdrops)