Canadian Weather Using Environment Canada Content

The Canadian Weather plugin uses Environment Canada content. Functionality is similar to the former default MediaPortal weather plugin. It includes a one page view of current conditions with a 7 day view of highs, lows, Prob. of Precipitation, icons, general conditions text, a 7-day text forecast, the ability to see weather jpgs, and a button indicating a weather warning exists with details when clicked.
- English and French
- Temperatures are in Celsius.
- StreamedMP, Default and Default Wide skins are currently supported.
Additions for later versions:
- Support for various skins
-a small update to the StreamedMP skin
changes in v0.990
-added French language support. Thanks again to Godevin for the translations
changes in v0.974
-fixes a bug for users of MP 1.2.2 where selecting a city that is not in the preferred list of cities doesn't display the weather for that city
changes in v0.973
-fixed a bug in the plugin configuration where URLs for satellite images where not loaded/shown. If OK was pressed, any previously entered URLs were erased.
-small change to how the buttons were rendered so the labels displayed faster.
changes in v0.972
-StreamedMP support has been added. Thanks to Godevin for creating the skin files.
changes in v0.97
-fixed a bug where the temperature and Feels Like temperature were not displayed for users with Region Settings other than English
changes in v0.96
-fixed a bug where location, logo, and time of forecast weren't displayed after viewing satellite images.
changes in v0.95
-the ability to see up to 5 weather jpgs
changes in v0.9
-Added functionality to search for cities that haven't been added with the Plugin Configuration
-Updated icons. The default MP weather icons are now used and additional icons have been added where the default set didn't have them
-a few bugfixes (small navigation issue; diacritics not being handled properly)
changes in v0.8
-added the weather warning button functionality
changes in v0.7
-changed the location displayed from the weather location (e.g., Pearson Intl Airport) to a city (e.g., Toronto)
-added a button to display a 7 Day Text forecast
-added auto refresh using the number of minutes set in the plugin configuration
changes in v0.6
-enabled manual refresh (auto refresh still to come)
-enabled Feels Like (wind chill and humidex)
-bug fix (Forecast Issued date/time was actually showing the Current Conditions Observed date/time)
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