Skins: Random Listings

The Black Glass Nova HD skin is designed to be easy to use and has a simple and clear look. It should be controlled primarily with a remote or a keyboard. BasicHome screen should be used as default home page. The resolution is 1920x1080. Fanart Handler plugin recommended. The skin is based on Black ...

Here it comes, the new Version of Fidelity Skin "1.4"
(..sorry for the long delay, was to much work in real life ;-) )
..many thanks for help on the new version goes to "Pünktchen" !
This Skin is in the line with all changes of MP for 1.2
The goal of the skin is to have a clean gui as po ...

It´s getting cold in MePo Land.....time for warm clothes.
Here is the Defaultwide skin Xmas AddOn - all Graphic work was down by Harley, and all credit goes to him.
How to use:
Make a Copy of your Defaultwide skin folder and rename it to something like DefaultwideXmas
Unrar the attached file, ...

PureVisionHD 1080 Xmas Edition 2024
The Xmas Edition of the skin PureVisionHD 1080 (wide screen 16:9; 1920 x 1080, scales perfect to 1366 x 768).
The skin incorporates 5 themes: Standard, Brave New World with integrated Horizon, Horizontal (scroll) and Carousel, and SmartOne
This Xmas Editi ...

This is a MOD to the StreamedMP skin. It is being kept updated with the original skin.
For screenshots follow this link:

Dear followers of PureVisionHD (1366x768)
I´m sorry to inform you that as of this minute PureVisionHD is no longer available nor will it be further developed .(
But here the really good news:
PureVisionHD 1080 replaces the HDReady version.
So please take a look here ...

This is a continuation of the skin Mustayaluca orginally started by macardi and development now taken over by Psycho Reptile, trevor and ltfearme over dlarge500.
The best description is a quote from macardi inital post. "The inspiration comes from various sources as you can see. Some ...

aMPed - the 'alternative' skin that supports multiple screen sizes, font sizes, themes and layout options all in one skin! with:
a unique built-in Details view and ticker
fanart/backdrop, layout and cover size and list width options
3 Basic Home layouts with easy to use graphical Editor
profil ...

Streamed MP is a port of Team Razorfishes skin Mediastream created for XBMC, over to the popular open source HTPC Application MediaPortal. StreamedMP is a close port, however there are some new views/layouts included with the skin that will keep the fanart fans happy. This skin has also been designe ...

The skin is made for MediaPortal 1.1 (Alpha)
This New Version of Xface Skin is a refreshed one.
Means, all stuff is overworked and updated for MP 1.1.
Also are included all changes that was needed to be full compatible with the newest versions of MP-TVSeries
thanks to ltfearme
Also there is a n ...

The 4:3 skin based on DefaultWideHD offers the same features and functionality as the new standard skin DefaultWideHD.
This skin is intended for users who still use a 4:3 display.

Xtreme eXtension Pack is a collection of add-ons for Xtreme skin.
Xtreme eXtension Pack contains:
2 additional Themes (Hero Vision and Horus Vision)
3 additional latest added media overlays for BasicHome
66 additional backgrounds ...

Apollo skin for MediaPortal 1 is modern and fresh keeping your HTPC the center of attention the way it should be.
It has been designed with moving pictures and tvseries in mind as the main media sources but fully supports myvideos too.

The Black Glass skin is designed to be easy to use and has a simple and clear look. It should be controlled primarily with a remote or a keyboard. The resolution is 1280x720. BasicHome screen should be used as default home page. The skin has been developed using Theatre as layout inspiration.
The s ...

Our goal is to create a simple professional skin that does not rely solely on fan art (although it uses some on relevant places) and is easy on the eye and great for daily family use. But has a modern and classy feel. The biggest change in Maya 1.0 final is the "iFX" addition. We have fully integra ...

The concept of this skin is to make all options in MediaPortal available as easy as possible and this in an attractive way. I have tried to maximize the use of fanart but still keep focus on usability. As a user of this skin you can customize the main menu and also what images you want to use for di ...

Black and White 1080 Black and White 1080 is a black & white themed skin for your full HD 1080 display. Requirements MediaPortal v1.1.0 Final Changelog / Issues Installation 1: Delete the old "Black & White 1080" skin folder (Remember to take a backup of you backdrops, fanart and other ...

PureVisionHD 1080 12.2
Version 12.2 of the skin PureVisionHD 1080 (wide screen 16:9; Full HD 1920 x 1080, scaling perfect on HDReady with 1280 x 720 as well as on 4K 3840 x 2160) including the themes Standard, Horizon Up!, Modern UI and the amazing animated themes Brave New World (including the 3 " ...

The main object with Reflex was to create a FullHD skin. I will add support for plugins on demand.
Supported plugins
Moving Pictures
Films (work in progress)
YouTube.Fm (work in progress)
World Weather
Rockstar ...