
CentralizedDatabase is a window plugin that synchronizes several informations across your MediaPortal databases/folders. As the plugin name suggest the plugin focuses on synchronizing the watched status of your media and folders (thumbs) accross several clients.This includes extended information like the time you stopped the playback. This is responsible for the watched percentage displayed in MediaPortal.
This plugin is intended for setups that have a centrally stored master database and multiple clients with their own databases. It is recommended to configure the master database as an database to be synchronized from each client. If you watch some media on one of the clients the watched status gets synchronized to the master database and is available for all other clients as well. Also there is a feature "Copy at startup" which copies the database/folders on MP client start from the centralized storage to your client. So anytime you start you client all databases are immediately in sync.
As a result it does not matter on which client you watch some media since the status is always synchronized across other databases. You keep consistent track of what you already watched and have centralized place (server) where you can add movies & series.
Currently supported Objects for synchronizing:
- MPVideo database
- MPTVSeries database
- MovingPictures database
- Folders
- Folders with deletions
Thx antihero05 for your the idea and WatchedSyncronizer plugin which is "deprecated" with the release of this plugin. New icon and initial release