User Reviews

Pandora MusicBox

Reviews (5)

Works Great
I'm pretty happy with it. To be able to do this with no official API is simply awesome. You can scroll through all of your existing stations, and skip/thumbs up/thumbs down easily. THANKS!

I love that I can access Pandora.

One thing I don't get. How do I change stations?
Owner's reply

Press the menu button. Bindings will vary from remote to remote but on the keyboard it is F9.


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Pandora Music Box
Great plugin, have been waiting for ages for something like this. Only one slight downside, you can't create stations, you have to login to the Pandora website to do that. I live in the UK and can access Pandora, pm me if you would like me to let you know how to do it, should work for any country


1 of 1 people found this review helpful
I like
Very nice plug in - the only thing that is missing is a recording button. But otherwise I'm very pleased with it. Excellent job. Thank you

0 of 1 people found this review helpful
not allow for listeners located outside of the U.S.
Due to licensing, not allow access to Pandora for listeners located outside of the U.S.
Should mention this in description to save time for us.
Owner's reply

Sorry for the inconvenience, I have updated the plugin description to point out the (unfortunate) regional restrictions.

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