
• Never again miss your favourite movie when it is showing up on TV.
• Create a list of movies or episodes you want to record or get a reminder and then stay
• TvWishList will search your Epg data and compare to your search list. If the plugin finds a
match it will record and/or send you an email.
• TvWishList will only record one show if it is repeated at multiple times.
• TvWishlist is using the Tv server conflict management
• You can choose partial or exact match for program titles or search the program description.
• Use SQL expressions to search your movies
• Input your TvWishList data with the MediaPortal plugin TvWishListMP
• Use the MediaPortal in a View Mode as your personal TV guide to search for your favorite
episodes, genres, star rating, ...
• A new match repeated episodes algorithm has been developed together with foxbenw for
• Create a new Tvwish from Epg data, Recordings, Schedules, Videos, TvSeries if you
do a right click with the mouse or press the info button on the remote.
• New: Language support for Dutch, English, French, German, Lithunian, Swedish
• New: MP2 Client plugin
MediaPortal 1.0.1 - 1.13
Tested with XP (SP3 32 bit), Vista (SP2 32 bit), Windows 7, Windows 8.1(64), Windows 10 (64)
- Start the MediaPortal Extension Installer (MPEI) which can be foundin your MediaPortal program directory and install TvWishList
- In the TvWishList Installer window click "Install" (make sure you read the manual)
- Push the buttons “Readme”, “Install” and “Exit”. Enable the plugin in the TV server configuration.
For Users with a TV Server only Installation: The MPEI installer will unzip all files in the
%PROGRAMDATA%\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Installer\TvWishList folder. If you have a computer with a TV server only installation you can copy this folder to the TV server and install it there.
Quick Usage:
Enter the title of the movie you want to record in the "Search For" textbox and activate the checkbox.
Known Issues will be posted in the Forum Thread
-fixed bug with "Search EPG" in client plugin
V1.4.4. 0: released on 14.Jan. 2016
-severe bug fix for MP client plugin impacting the recording button
V1.4.1. 0: released on 7.Mar. 2015
- fix for MP1.11
V1.4.0. 2: released on 12.Oct. 2014
- installer fix for MP1.9
V1.4.0. 1: released on 19.Jul. 2014
- new: Spanish language files
- bug fix for using two exclude conditions in a Tv wish
- new TvWishList Logo from Pog used for MP1, MP2 skins and installer
- save parsing of integers and dates
- new: native Tvserver plugin for MP2
- installer updates
- order programs by start date (patch by TheNoctambulist)
- MP2 plugin updated for MP2alfa2
- MP2 platform target changed to x86
- transifex scripts updated for git
- updated French language file
- fixed Tvserver GUI bug introduced in
- Filerenaming as a separate thread (caused severe delay or freeze of client for some users)
- Epgmarker supports multiple items separated by |
- search now button on main menu
- updated manual
new: Indonesian and Catalan language files
updated for Version 1.4
bug fix in client plugin for deleting recordings (MP1 and MP2)
MP2 plugin: changed to usage of TvWishlistMpExtendedprovider0.5 as a separate plugin (needed for future Tv server) using an interface structure
TvServer: support of html email if keyword “USE_HTML” is used at the beginning of an email format
Installer updated
Version released on 26Feb2013
-TvServer plugin:
– fixed bug in sql query for existing recordings
– enhanced episode management algorithm for better detection of incomplete EPG information
-MP2 plugin:
– updatet to MPExtended V0.5.0 released on 08. December 2012:
– TvServer plugin:
– fixed bug in Episode algorithm (thanks to Foxbenw)
– MP2 plugin:
– updated skins including playlist buttons for main screen
New Language: Slovak
TvServer plugin:
fixed severe language bug (German)
MP1 plugin:
fixed bug for incorrect textbox format on main menu for tvwishes for skins
fixed bug for incorrect start and end date format for skins
fixed bug for within next hours item
only supporting default skins
MP2 plugin:
fixed bug for within next hours item
episodecriteria was not updated correctly
new skins for Reflexion and RisingSkin
minor skin modifications
new TvWishList hover image from Catavolt
– new: MediaPortal 2 Plugin
– new: expressions for Episodenumber and Seriesnumber filter
– new: search EPG x minutes before each schedule and run a script C:\ProgramData\Team
MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\TvWishList\RunBeforeEachSchedule.bat before
checking the EPG
– new: optional Slow CPU to prevent EPG search during recording or timeshifting
– new: language translation for Tv server (message creation , SetupTV) and MP plugin
– installer updated
– MP2 plugin bug fixes in case of occuring error scenarios
– new: Pog button processing extended for sql expressions and Name parameters
– Tv server bug fixes for error scenarios
– new: Automatic mode for episodes if the EPG contains episode information (part,name or
episode/series number)
– enhanced episodemangement with number extraction from expressions e.g. 5/24
– added error message if pipe connection fails

Thanks to the developer, nice work
Good work!
With TvWishList I don't miss TiVo anymore.
Specifically I can enter a name that doesn't exist currently/yet and when it turns up it will get recorded or I will be informed.
Not only that I can make a wish inactive - with TiVo I had to delete it! This way I can keep it but just not get a lot of recordings I don't currently want.
MP is good, TvWishList makes it better.
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