MPDisplay++ - Avallanche Skin (WideScreen)
This is the Avallanche Skin for MPDisplay++ (16x9 Format).
You have the choice between different Styles:
- Default Avallanche Skin
- Addict Theme
- Dirty Paper Theme
The next enhancement in this Skin is the support of DVDArt- Plugin or MePo- Tools to display CDArt, ClearArt and ClearLogos in MovingPictures, TVSeries and Music.
The supported extensions are:
- Moving Pictures
- TV Series
- mvCentral
- MyAnime3 (Problems with Anime3 Playing Screen. Will be fixed when Developement of the Plugin will be continued)
- WorldWeather
- OnlineVideos
- RadioTime
- Fitz!Box Manager
- UpdateControl
- ExtensionManager
- myEmulators2
- WebBrowser
Also you will find a short Description of this Skin in the Skinfolder of Avallanche (C:\ProgramData\MPDisplay++\Skin\Avallanche-WS\Avallanche.pdf)